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Professor Zhao-Jun Bu

发布时间:2017-06-22 10:08 点击数:

Zhao-Jun Bu, Ph.D, Professor, Associate Dean, Wetland Scientist and Plant Ecologist.

Email: Buzhaojun@nenu.edu.cn

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhao_Jun_Bu

   Up to April, 2017, he has published nearly 70 peer-reviewed articles in total. Of the articles, more than 40 including those published in New Phytologist, Oecologia, Science of the Total Environment, Basic & Applied Ecology, Catena, Journal of Bryology, Acta Oecologica etc. are firstly or correspondingly authored by him. As a co-author he has published 5 monographs such as “Jilin Wetlands”, “Wetlands and Wetland Research in China” and “Observing Methods of Wetland Ecosystems”. He owns memberships of the Sixth Review Committee of National Nature Reserve of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Bryophyte Professional Council of Botanical Society of China, International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG), International Peat Society (IPS), International Association of Bryologists (IAB) and International Allelopathy Society (IAS). He is an associate editor for the journals, Mires & Peat and Chinese Journal of Humic Acid. He has ever reviewed manuscripts for more than 20 journals such as Oecologia, Journal of Vegetation Science, Ecology & Evolution, AoB Plants, Atmospheric Environment, Mires & Peat, Sustainability and so on.


   Master students: Wetland Science or Physical Geography;

   Ph.D students: Physical Geography (Wetland Plant Geography/Wetland Plant Ecology).

   Outstanding international Ph.D students are highly welcomed! Any applicant can send his/her resume to buzhaojun@nenu.edu.cn directly.


2013.12- Now      Professor, Associate Dean, School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University.

2005.12-2013.12   Associate Professor, College of Urban & Envrionmental Sciences, Northeast Normal University.

2001.07-2005.11   Lecturer, College of Urban & Envrionmental Sciences, Northeast Normal University.

1998.07-2001.06   Assistant Professor, College of Urban & Envrionmental Sciences, Northeast Normal University.


2016.05-2016.06   Visiting Prof., Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University. Co-operation prof.: Shiro Tsuyuzaki

2012.02-2013.02   Visiting Scholar, Department of Geography, McGill University, Canada. Co-operation professor: Tim Moore.

2010.11-2011.01   Visiting Adjunct Professor, Department of Plant Biology, Southern Illinois University, USA. Co-operation professor: Dale Vitt.

2002.09-2003.05   Visiting Scholar, Department of Plant Ecology, Uppsala University, Sweden. Co-operation professor: Håkan Rydin.


2000.09-2004.12   Ph.D student, majoring plant ecology at College of Life Science, Northeast Normal University, P. R. China;

1995.09-1998.07   Master student, majoring physical geography at Department of Geography, Northeast Normal University, P. R. China;

1991.09-1995.07   Bachelor student, majoring environmental science at Department of Environmental Science, Northeast Normal University, P. R. China.


Peatland Ecology, Sphagnum ecology, plant competition and allelopathy, seed and spore ecology


The mechanism of competition-allelopathy-defense trade-off related to niche differentiation of peatland bryophytes in the Changbai Mountains. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Jan. 1, 2015- Dec. 31, 2018. RMB 920,000.

Mechanism of plant-plant interaction mediating vegetation and carbon accumulation in the peatlands of the Changbai Mountains. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Jan. 1, 2014- Dec. 31, 2017. RMB 900,000.

Regulation mechanism of plant-plant interaction on the humped distribution pattern of Sphagnum richness in Changbai Mountains. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Jan. 1, 2010- Dec. 31, 2012. RMB 350,000.


1)Feng L, Bu Z-J*, Mallik A, Wang Z-C, Liu S-S, Wu Y-H*. 2017. Continuous waterlogging may not facilitate germinability maintenance of Sphagnum spores. Wetlands, doi: 10.1007/s13157-017-0936-y;

2)Yang Q-N, Zhao H-Y*, Li H-C*, Li H-K, Bu Z-J, Wang S-Z, Wang A-X. 2017. Distributions of “bomb 14C”, biogeochemistry and elemental concentration in Hani mire peat profiles, NE China: Implications of environmental change. Quaternary International, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.033;

3)Cao Y-M, Chen X*, Bu Z-J, Zeng L. 2017. Spatial variations in the surface water chemistry of subtropical peatlands (Central China) linked to anthropogenic pressures. Water, 9, 505; doi: 10.3390/w9070505;

4)Bu Z-J*, Sundberg S, Feng L, Li H-K, Zhao H-Y. Li H-C. 2017. The Methuselah of plant diaspores: Sphagnum spores can survive in nature for centuries. New Phytologist, 214: 1398-1402.

5)Wang Z-C*, Liu S-S, Huang C, Liu Y, Bu Z-J*. 2017. Impact of land use change on profile distributions of organic carbon fractions in peat and mineral soils in Northeast China. Catena, 152: 1-8.  

6)Bu Z-J*, Li Z, Sundberg S, Liu L-J, Feng Y-M, Yang Y-H, Liu S, Song X. Zhang X-L. 2017. Bryophyte spore germinability is inhibited by peatland substrates. Acta Oecologica, 78:34-40.

7)Chen X, Bu Z-J*, Stevenson MA, Cao Y, Zeng L, Qin B. 2016. Variations in diatom communities at genus and species levels in peatlands (central China) linked to microhabitats and environmental factors. Science of the Total Environment, 568: 137-146

8)Ma J-Z, Bu Z-J*, Zheng X-X, Ge J-L, Wang S-Z. 2015. Effects of shading on relative competitive advantage of three species of Sphagnum. Mires & Peat, 16, Article 04, 1–17.

9)Ren M-X, Bu Z-J*. 2014. Is there 'anther-Anther interference' within a flower? Evidences from one-by-one stamen movement in an insect-pollinated plant. PloS ONE, 9 (1): e86581. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086581.

10)Bu Z-J*, Zheng X-X, Rydin H, Moore T, Ma J-Z. 2013. Facilitation vs. competition: does inter-specific interaction affect drought responses in Sphagnum? Basic and Applied Ecology, 14(7): 574-584.

11)Bu Z-J*, Chen X, Rydin H, Wang S-Z, Ma J-Z, Zeng J. 2013. Performance of four mosses in a reciprocal transplant experiment: indication for peatland succession in NE China. Journal of Bryology, 35(3): 220-227.

12)Chen X*, Bu Z-J, Yang X-D, Wang S-Z. 2012. Epiphytic diatoms and their relation to moisture and moss composition in two montane peatlands, Northeast China. Fundamental and Applied limnology, 181(3): 197-206.

13)Bu Z-J, Rydin H* & Chen X. 2011. Direct and interaction-mediated effects of environmental changes on peatland bryophytes. Oecologia, 166(2): 555-563.

14)Bu Z-J*, Joosten, H, Li H, Zhao G, Zheng X, Ma J & Zeng J. 2011. The response of peatlands to climate warming: a review. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 31: 157-162.
