

职       称:讲师






高桂在,女,1990年生,博士,师资博士后。主要研究方向是第四纪环境演化、植硅体。5年内发表SCI论文20余篇,其中以第一作者身份在《Quaternary Science Reviews》、《Quaternary Research》、《Boreas》等期刊发表SCI论文6篇。主持和参加中国博士后面上项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目和环保部公益项目等科研项目。







Email: gaogz565@nenu.edu.cn



(1) Guizai Gao, Dongmei Jie*, Dehui Li, Nannan Li, Lidan Liu, Hongyan Liu, Chengcheng Leng, Jiangyong Wang, Baijian Liu, Ping Li. Assessing modern arboreal phytolith sensitivity to vegetation variations in temperate forest regions. Boreas, 2019, 48, 731–745.

(2) Guizai Gao, Dongmei Jie*, Dehui Li, Nannan Li, Lidan Liu, Hongyan Liu, Jinchen Shi, Chengcheng Leng, Jiangyong Wang. Reliability of phytoliths for reconstructing vegetation dynamics in northern temperate forest regions: A case study in northeast China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018, 201, 1–12.

(3) Guizai Gao, Dongmei Jie*, Lidan Liu, Hongyan Liu, Dehui Li, Nannan Li, Jichen Shi, Chengcheng Leng, Zhihe Qiao. Assessment and calibration of representational bias in soil phytolith assemblages in Northeast China and its implications forpaleovegetation reconstruction. Quaternary Research, 2018, 90(1), 38–49.

(4) Guizai Gao, Dongmei Jie*, Lidan Liu, Hongyan Liu, Dehui Li, Nannan Li, Jichen Shi, Chengcheng Leng. Phytolith reference study for identifying vegetation changes in the forest-grassland region of northeast China. Boreas, 2017, 47, 481–497.

(5) Guizai Gao, Dongmei Jie*, Yong Wang*, Lidan Liu, Hongyan Liu, Dehui Li, Nannan Li, Jichen Shi, Chengcheng Leng. Do soil phytoliths accurately represent plant communities in a temperate region? A case study of Northeast China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2018, 27, 753–765.

(6) Guizai Gao, Dongmei Jie*, Lidan Liu, Hongyan Liu, Zhuo Gao, Dehui Li, Nannan Li. Phytolith characteristics and preservation in trees from coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in an eastern mountainous area of Northeast China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2018, 255, 43–56.
