职 称:
2012.09-2016.06 吉林大学,环境与资源学院,水文学与水资源工程专业,本科;
2016.09-2021.06 吉林大学,新能源与环境学院,水文学及水资源专业,硕博连读。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,42202273,2023.1-2025.12,在研,主持
2. 吉林省教育厅科学技术研究项目,JJKH20231322KJ,2023.1-2024.12,主持,在研
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2412022QD001,2021.1-2023.12,在研,主持
[1] Li Jiuhui, Wu Zhengfang*, He Hongshi., Lu Wenxi. (2022). Application of the complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition for the identification of simulation model parameters and groundwater contaminant sources. Journal of Hydrology, 612, 128244.
[2] Li Jiuhui, Lu Wenxi*, Luo Jiannan. (2021). Groundwater contamination sources identification based on the Long-Short Term Memory network. Journal of Hydrology,601,126670.
[3] Li Jiuhui, Lu Wenxi*, Wang Han., Fan Yue, Chang, Zhengbo. (2020). Groundwater contamination source identification based on a hybrid particle swarm optimization-extreme learning machine. Journal of Hydrology, 584, 124657.
[4] Li Jiuhui, Wu Zhengfang*, He Hongshi, Lu Wenxi, (2022). Comparative analysis of groundwater contaminant sources identification based on simulation optimization and ensemble Kalman filter. Environmental Science And Pollution Research 29(60):90081-90097.
[5]Li Jiuhui, Wu Zhengfang*, He Hongshi., Lu Wenxi. (2023) Identifying groundwater contamination sources based on the hybrid grey wolf gradient algorithm and deep belief neural network. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.37(5):1697-1715
[6] Li Jiuhui, Wu Zhengfang*, He Hongshi., Lu Wenxi. (2023). Identification of light nonaqueous phase liquid groundwater contamination source based on empirical mode decomposition and deep learning. Environmental Science And Pollution Research.30(13):38663–38682
[7] Li Jiuhui, Lu Wenxi*, Wang Han, Bai Yukun, Fan Yue. (2020) Groundwater contamination sources identification based on kernel extreme learning machine and its effect due to wavelet denoising technique. Environmental Science And Pollution Research. 27(27), 34107-34120.
[8] Li Jiuhui, Lu Wenxi*, Wang Han, Fan Yue. (2019) Identification of groundwater contamination sources using a statistical algorithm based on an improved Kalman filter and simulation optimization. Hydrogeology Journal. 27(8), 2919–2931.
[9] Li Jiuhui, Lu Wenxi*, Fan Yue. (2020) Groundwater pollution sources identification based on hybrid homotopy-genetic algorithm and simulation optimization. Environmental Engineering Science.38(8):777-788.
[10] Li Jiuhui, Wu Zhengfang*, He Hongshi, Lu Wenxi, (2022) Simultaneous identification of the number, location and release intensity of groundwater contamination sources based on simulation optimization and ensemble surrogate model. Water Supply, 22(10):7671-7689
[11] 李久辉,卢文喜*,常振波,李明彧,苗添升,赵莹,张将伟.基于不确定性分析的地下水污染超标风险预警[J].中国环境科学,2017,37(06):2270-227. ( EI收录)
[12] 李久辉,卢文喜*,辛欣,罗建男,常振波.考虑边界条件不确定性的地下水污染风险分析[J].中国环境科学,2018,38(06):2167-2174. ( EI收录)
[13] 李久辉,卢文喜*, 常振波,王涵,范越. 考虑参数不确定性的地下水污染源识别[J].中国环境科学,2021,41(04):1711-1722. [J].中国环境科学. (EI收录)
[1] Wang, Han, Lu, Wenxi*, Li, Jiuhui. (2020) Groundwater contaminant source characterization with simulation model parameter estimation utilizing a heuristic search strategy based on the stochastic-simulation statistic method. Journal Of Contaminant Hydrology 234,103681 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2020.103681
[2] Wang, Han, Lu, Wenxi*, Li, Jiuhui. (2020) Parallel heuristic search strategy based on a Bayesian approach for simultaneous recognition of contaminant sources and aquifer parameters at DNAPL-contaminated sites. Environmental Science And Pollution Research. 27(29).37134-37148. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-09382-z
[3] Fan Yue, Lu Wenxi*, Miao Tiansheng, Li Jiuhui, Lin Jin. (2020) Optimum Design of a Seawater Intrusion Monitoring Scheme Based on the Image Quality Assessment Method. Water Resources Management 34(8), 2485–2502. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-020-02565-w
[4] Fan Yue, Lu Wenxi*, Miao Tiansheng, An Yongkai, Li Jiuhui, Luo Jiannan. (2020) Optimal design of groundwater pollution monitoring network based on the SVR surrogate model under uncertainty. Environmental Science And Pollution Research 27(19), 24090–24102. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-08758-5
[5] Fan Yue, Lu Wenxi*, Miao Tiansheng, Li Jiuhui, Lin Jin. (2020) Multiobjective optimization of the groundwater exploitation layout in coastal areas based on multiple surrogate models. Environmental Science And Pollution Research 27(16), 19561–19576 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-08367-2
[6] Wang, H, Lu, Wenxi*, Chang, Zhenbo, Li, Jiuhui, (2020) Heuristic search strategy based on probabilistic and geostatistical simulation approach for simultaneous identification of groundwater contaminant source and simulation model parameters. Stochastic Environmental Research And Risk Assessment 34(6):91-907 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-020-01804-1
[7] Chang, Zhenbo, Lu, Wenxi*, Wang, H, Li, Jiuhui, Luo,Jiannan (2020) Simultaneous identification of groundwater contaminant sources and simulation of model parameters based on an improved single-component adaptive Metropolis algorithm. Hydrogeology Journal . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02257-0
[8] Pan Zidong, Lu Wenxi*, Fan Yue, Li Jiuhui. (2021). Identification of groundwater contamination sources and hydraulic parameters based on bayesian regularization deep neural network. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(13), 16867-16879.
[9]白玉堃,卢文喜,李久辉.卡尔曼滤波方法在地下水污染源反演中的应用[J].中国环境科学,2019,39(08):3450-3456.( EI收录)
[10]王涵,卢文喜,李久辉,常振波,侯泽宇.地下水DNAPLs污染多相流的随机模拟及其不确定性分析[J]. 中国环境科学,2018,38(07):2572-2579. ( EI收录)
[11]王梓博,卢文喜,王涵,李久辉,范越.某钼矿尾矿库地下水污染的随机模拟[J].中国环境科学,2020,40(05):2124-2131. ( EI收录)
[12]潘紫东,卢文喜,范越,李久辉,王涵.基于模拟-优化方法的地下水污染源溯源辨识[J].中国环境科学,2020,40(04):1698-1705. ( EI收录)