
职       称:副教授






杜海波,男,1987年5月生,博士,教授,博士生导师,国际景观生态学会中国分会理事会理事,主要研究方向是气候变化、树轮气候学、树轮生态学。5年内发表SCI论文30余篇,包括以第一作者和通讯作者身份在《Global Change Biology》、《Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society》、《Geophysical Research Letters》、《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》、《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《Science of The Total Environment》、《CATENA》、《Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres》等期刊发表SCI论文15余篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,吉林省科技厅自然科学基金1项,吉林省优秀青年科学基金1项,并以骨干身份参加了国家十三五重点研发计划项目和多项国家自然科学基金面上项目。






2018/09-2019/09,School of Natural Resources,University of Missouri,博士后








1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,长白山森林主要建群种径向生长对水热胁迫变化的响应研究,2023/01-2026/12,50万元,在研,主持;

2. 科技部国家重点研发项目,长白山区水资源高效利用及其安全保障技术研发与应用,2019/07-2022/06,277万元,结题,参加;

3. 吉林省优秀青年人才基金项目,长白山树种线对气候变化响应研究,2018/01-2019/12,10万元,结题,主持;

4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于炭化木的长白山火山喷发测年与植被重建,2017/01-2019/12,22万元,结题,主持;

5. 科技部国家重点研发项目,中高纬度湿地景观格局演变机制,2016/07-2021/06,600万元,结题,参加;

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,长白山山地苔原带植被气候变化响应与监测研究,2015/01-2018/12,98万元,结题,参加。



[1] Huang, L., H. Du*, et al (2023). "Observed and projected changes in wet and dry spells for the major river basins in East Asia." International Journal of Climatology, In Production, doi: 10.1002/joc.8151.

[2] Li, N., H. Du*, M.-H. Li, R. Na, R. Dong, H. S. He, S. Zong, L. Huang and Z. Wu (2023). "Deyeuxia angustifolia upward migration and nitrogen deposition change soil microbial community structure in an alpine tundra." Soil Biology and Biochemistry 180: 109009.

[3] Huang, L., H. Du*, Y. Dang, H. S. He, R. Na and Z. Wu (2022). "More frequent consecutive extreme precipitation in the dry regions of China." International Journal of Climatology 42(16): 9583-9594.

[4] Qi, X., K. Fang, H. Du*, J. He, H. He and Z. Wu (2022). "Age-related growth responses of birch to warming along an elevational gradient on Changbai Mountain." European Journal of Forest Research 141(2): 293-305.

[5] Guo, X., Y. Wang, L. Wang, H. Sun, H. Du, Z. Wu, H. He and W. Zhou (2021). "Spatiotemporal characteristics of interday temperature fluctuations across the Loess Plateau of China." International Journal of Climatology 41(3): 1821-1838.

[6] Na, R., L. Na, H. Du, H. S. He, Y. Shan, S. Zong, L. Huang, Y. Yang and Z. Wu (2021) "Vegetation Greenness Variations and Response to Climate Change in the Arid and Semi-Arid Transition Zone of the Mongo-Lian Plateau during 1982–2015." Remote Sensing 13, 4066 DOI: 10.3390/rs13204066.

[7] Yang, Y., Z. Wu, L. Guo, H. S. He, Y. Ling, L. Wang, S. Zong, R. Na, H. Du* and M.-H. Li (2020). "Effects of winter chilling vs. spring forcing on the spring phenology of trees in a cold region and a warmer reference region." Science of The Total Environment 725: 138323.

[8] 陈星任, 杨岳, 何佳男, 齐熙, 吴正方, 杜海波* (2020). "近 60 年中国持续极端降水时空变化特征及其环流因素分析." 长江流域资源与环境 29(9): 2068-2081.

[9] Han, J., H. Du*, Z. Wu and H. S. He (2019). "Changes in Extreme Precipitation Over Dry and Wet Regions of China During 1961-2014." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124(11): 5847-5859.

[10] Na, R., H. Du*, L. Na, Y. Shan, H. S. He, Z. Wu, S. Zong, Y. Yang and L. Huang (2019). "Spatiotemporal changes in the Aeolian desertification of Hulunbuir Grassland and its driving factors in China during 1980–2015." CATENA 182: 104123.

[11] Guo, X., Z. Wu, H. He, H. Du, L. Wang, Y. Yang and W. Zhao (2018). "Variations in the start, end, and length of extreme precipitation period across China." International Journal of Climatology 38(5): 2423-2434.

[12] Wang, L., W. J. Wang, Z. Wu, H. Du, X. Shen and S. Ma (2018). "Spatial and temporal variations of summer hot days and heat waves and their relationships with large-scale atmospheric circulations across Northeast China." International Journal of Climatology 38(15): 5633-5645.

[13] Yang, Y., Z. Wu, H. He, H. Du, L. Wang, X. Guo and W. Zhao (2018). "Differences of the changes in soil temperature of cold and mid-temperate zones, Northeast China." Theoretical and Applied Climatology 134(1): 633-643.

[14] Zhao, W., H. Du, L. Wang, H. S. He, Z. Wu, K. Liu, X. Guo and Y. Yang (2018). "A comparison of recent trends in precipitation and temperature over Western and Eastern Eurasia." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 144(711): 604-613.

[15] 高雅芳, 王雷, 杜海波, 吴正方, 杨岳, 郭湘宇, 李思其 (2018). "长白山苔原带土壤温度与肥力随海拔的变化特征." 冰川冻土 40(4): 702-714.

[16] 李思其, 杜海波, 吴正方, 郭湘宇, 杨岳, 高雅芳, 马爽 (2018). "京津冀鲁豫地区空气质量变化特征及其气象驱动因素研究." 环境污染与防治 40(12): 1431-1435.

[17] Wang, L., Z. Wu, H. He, F. Wang, H. Du and S. Zong (2017). "Changes in start, end, and length of frost-free season across Northeast China." International Journal of Climatology 37(S1): 271-283.

[18] Wang, L., Z. Wu, H. He, F. Wang, H. Du and S. Zong (2017). "Changes in summer extreme precipitation in Northeast Asia and their relationships with the East Asian summer monsoon during 1961–2009." International Journal of Climatology 37(1): 25-35.

[19] 郭湘宇, 吴正方, 杜海波, 王雷, 杨满根, 陈志彪 (2017). "福建省极端降水时空变化特征及其环流因素分析." 资源科学 39(6): 1084-1098.



[1] Haibo Du, Michael C. Stambaugh, J. Julio Camarero, Mai-He Li, Dapao Yu, Shengwei Zong, Hong S. He, and Zhengfang Wu (2023). "A comparison of pre-Millennium eruption (946 AD) and modern temperatures from tree rings in the Changbai Mountain, northeast Asia." Climate of the Past, 19: 1295–1304.

[2] Du, H., M. G. Donat, S. Zong, L. V. Alexander, R. Manzanas, A. Kruger, G. Choi, J. Salinger, H. S. He, M.-H. Li, F. Fujibe, B. Nandintsetseg, S. Rehman, F. Abbas, M. Rusticucci, A. Srivastava, P. Zhai, T. Lippmann, I. Yabi, M. C. Stambaugh, S. Wang, A. Batbold, P. T. d. Oliveira, M. Adrees, W. Hou, C. M. S. e. Silva, P. S. Lucio and Z. Wu (2022). "Extreme Precipitation on Consecutive Days Occurs More Often in a Warming Climate." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103(4): E1130-E1145.

[3] Du, H., M.-H. Li, C. Rixen, S. Zong, M. Stambaugh, L. Huang, H. S. He and Z. Wu (2021). "Sensitivity of recruitment and growth of alpine treeline birch to elevated temperature." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 304-305: 108403.

[4] Du, H., L. V. Alexander, M. G. Donat, T. Lippmann, A. Srivastava, J. Salinger, A. Kruger, G. Choi, H. S. He, F. Fujibe, M. Rusticucci, B. Nandintsetseg, R. Manzanas, S. Rehman, F. Abbas, P. Zhai, I. Yabi, M. C. Stambaugh, S. Wang, A. Batbold, P. T. de Oliveira, M. Adrees, W. Hou, S. Zong, C. M. Santos e Silva, P. S. Lucio and Z. Wu (2019). "Precipitation From Persistent Extremes is Increasing in Most Regions and Globally." Geophysical Research Letters 46(11): 6041-6049.

[5] Du, H., J. Liu, M.-H. Li, U. Büntgen, Y. Yang, L. Wang, Z. Wu and H. S. He (2018). "Warming-induced upward migration of the alpine treeline in the Changbai Mountains, northeast China." Global Change Biology 24(3): 1256-1266.

[6] Du, H., H. S. He, Z. Wu, L. Wang, S. Zong and J. Liu (2017). "Human influences on regional temperature change – comparing adjacent plains of China and Russia." International Journal of Climatology 37(6): 2913-2922.

[7] Du, H., Z. Wu, S. Zong, X. Meng and L. Wang (2013). "Assessing the characteristics of extreme precipitation over northeast China using the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118(12): 6165-6174.

[8] Du, H., Z. Wu, Y. Jin, S. Zong and X. Meng (2013). "Quantitative relationships between precipitation and temperature over Northeast China, 1961–2010." Theoretical and Applied Climatology 113(3): 659-670.

[9] Du, H., Z. Wu, M. Li, Y. Jin, S. Zong and X. Meng (2013). "Characteristics of extreme daily minimum and maximum temperature over Northeast China, 1961–2009." Theoretical and Applied Climatology 111(1): 161-171.

[10] Du, H., Z. Wu, M. Li, S. Zong and X. Meng (2012). "Quantitative division of vegetation ecotones in Northeast China." Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 10(3): 319-332.

[11] Wu, Z., H. Du, D. Zhao, M. Li, X. Meng and S. Zong (2012). "Estimating daily global solar radiation during the growing season in Northeast China using the Ångström–Prescott model." Theoretical and Applied Climatology 108(3-4): 495-503.

[12] Du, H., Z. Wu and M. Li (2011). "Interdecadal changes of vegetation transition zones and their responses to climate in Northeast China." Theoretical and Applied Climatology 106(1): 179-188.
