

职       称:






张坤,博士,河北邢台人,主要从事生物地球化学、古生态、事件沉积学等方向研究,近五年以第一作者和通讯作者在International Journal of Coal Geology,Sedimentary Geology,Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,Marine and Petroleum Geology,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering及沉积学报等国内外地学杂志发表论文10篇,工作邮箱:zhangk919@nenu.edu.cn。


2022.01-至今 东北师范大学,地理科学学院,师资博士后(合作导师:白娥教授)

2018.09-2021.12 吉林大学,地球科学学院,矿产普查与勘探,博士(导师:刘招君教授)

2015.09-2018.06 吉林大学,地球科学学院,矿产普查与勘探,硕士

2011.09-2015.06 黑龙江科技大学,资源与环境工程学院,资源勘查工程, 本科




1. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2412022QD005,2022.01-2024.12,主持,在研

2. 中国博士后科学基金第72批面上项目,2022M720697,2022.11-2024.11,主持,在研


1. 2020年 获博士研究生国家奖学金

2. 2020年 获得国家留学基金委国家公派出国留学奖学金



1.Kun Zhang, Rong Liu*,Edith Bai*, Zibin Zhao, Giovan Peyrotty, Douaa Fathy, Qing Chang, Ziping Liu, Kai Yang, Chuan Xu, Zhaojun Liu. 2023. Biome responses to a hydroclimatic crisis in an Early Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian) subtropical inland lake ecosystem, Northwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 622:111596 (中科院2区, TOP).

2.Kun Zhang, Rong Liu*, Wenjing Ding, Li Li, Zhaojun Liu. 2022. The influence of Early Cretaceous paleoclimate warming event on sedimentary environment evolution and organic matter sources in Yin'e Basin: Evidence from petrology and molecular geochemistry. International Journal of Coal Geology, 254:103972 (中科院1区, TOP).

3. Kun Zhang*, Rong Liu*, Zhaojun Liu, Bile Li, Gaofei Liu, Xu Yan, Li Li. 2022. Terrestrial records of Early Cretaceous paleoclimate fluctuations in the Yin'e Basin, northern China: Evidence from sedimentology and palynomorphs in lacustrine sediments. Sedimentary Geology, 432:106110 (中科院2区).

4. Kun Zhang, Rong Liu*, Zhaojun Liu, Li Li. 2021. Geochemical characteristics and geological significance of humid climate events in the Middle-Late Triassic (Ladinian-Carnian) of the Ordos Basin central China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 131:105179 (中科院2区).

5. Kun Zhang, Rong Liu*, Zhaojun Liu. 2021. Sedimentary sequence evolution and organic matter accumulation characteristics of the Chang 8–Chang 7 members in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation,southwest Ordos Basin, central China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 196:107751 (中科院2区, TOP).

6. Kun Zhang, Rong Liu*, Zhaojun Liu, Li Li, Xinpu Wu, Kangan Zhao. 2020. Influence of palaeoclimate and hydrothermal activity on organic matter accumulation in lacustrine black shales from the Lower Cretaceous Bayingebi Formation of the Yin'e Basin, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 560:110007 (中科院2区, TOP).

7. Kun Zhang, Rong Liu*, Zhaojun Liu, Bile Li, Jiabing Han, Kangan Zhao. 2020. Influence of volcanic and hydrothermal activity on organic matter enrichment in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, southern Ordos Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 112:104059 (中科院2区, ESI 1%高被引论文).

8. 柳蓉,张坤*,刘招君,于佳琦,闫旭. 2021. 中国油页岩富集与地质事件研究[J]. 沉积学报, 39(01): 10-28.

9. 张坤,吴克平,柳蓉. 2017. 舒兰盆地水曲柳矿区煤层气富集因素分析[J]. 特种油气藏,24(03): 44-48. 10. 张坤,柳蓉*,刘招君,张超. 2017. 梅河盆地梅河组含煤-油页岩岩系成矿特征分析[J]. 世界地质,36(03): 903-912.


1. Baoyi Li, Rong Liu*,Shufeng Liu, Kun Zhang. 2022. Lacustrine oil shale formation of Lower Cretaceous Bayingebi Formation in the northeast of the Yin'e Basin: Implications from lake evolution, provenance, and paleoclimate. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 6(12):1–22 (中科院3区).

2. Chuan Xu, Fei Hu*, Qingtao Meng, Zhaojun Liu, Xuanlong Shan, Wenren Zeng, Kun Zhang, Wentong He. 2022. Organic Matter Accumulation in the Youganwo Formation (Middle Eocene), Maoming Basin, South China: Constraints from Multiple Geochemical Proxies and Organic Petrology. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 6:714–732 (中科院3区).

3. Chuan Xu, Xuanlong Shan*, Wentong He, Kun Zhang, Yalikun Rexiti, Siyuan Su, Chao Liang, Xintong Zou, 2021. The influence of paleoclimate and a marine transgression event on organic matter accumulation in lacustrine black shales from the Late Cretaceous, southern Songliao Basin, Northeast China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 246:103842 (中科院1区, TOP).

4. 于佳琦,柳蓉*,张坤,闫旭. 2021. 银额盆地下白垩统巴音戈壁组油页岩有机地球化学特征及成矿条件[J]. 世界地质,40(02):330-342.

5. 武昕普,柳蓉*,张坤,赵康安,韩佳兵. 2019. 银额盆地下白垩统巴音戈壁组含油页岩岩系地球化学特征及有机质富集条件[J]. 世界地质,38(04):1021-1031.

6. 柳蓉*,闫旭,刘招君,张坤,武昕普,赵康安. 2020. 银额盆地下白垩统巴音戈壁组含油页岩岩系孢粉化石特征及地质意义[J]. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版),50(02):341-355.
