

职       称:教授






宗盛伟,博士,教授,博士生导师,自然地理与资源环境系主任,吉林省地理学会副秘书长。一直致力于山地植被变化研究,主要研究方向:(1)植物分布范围变化研究(Distribution range shift);(2)植物-土壤相互作用关系研究(Plant-soil interactions);(3)植被变化遥感监测研究(Remote sensing of vegetation)。个人主页https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shengwei-Zong


2004 – 2008 青岛大学地理系,地理科学专业,理学学士学位

2008 – 2010 东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院,自然地理学专业,理学硕士学位

2010 – 2014 东北师范大学地理科学学院,自然地理学专业,理学博士学位



2019 – 2020,瑞士联邦森林、雪和景观研究所—雪崩研究所(WSL-SLF),访问学者

2017 – 2022,东北师范大学,副教授

2015 – 2017,东北师范大学,师资博士后


1. 国际苔原组织(ITEX, The International Tundra Experiment, https://www.gvsu.edu/itex/),在高寒生态系统植物分布变化(distribution range shift),植物性状(plant trait)等领域合作。

2. 国际山地入侵研究网络(MIREN, Mountain invasion research network, http://www.mountaininvasions.org/),在山地植物入侵方面进行合作,目前正在参与RangeX实验。

3. 高纬度无人机生态网络(HilDEN, High-Latitude Drone Ecology Network, https://arcticdrones.org/),在无人机遥感领域进行合作。







1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,雪被变化对长白山苔原带灌木上移的影响机制研究,2024/01-2027/12,在研,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,长白山苔原带上侵草本植物定植与扩散机制研究,2020/01-2023/12,在研,主持;

3. 科技部国家重点研发项目,长白山区水资源高效利用及其安全保障技术研发与应用,2019/07-2022/06,在研,参加;

4. 科技部国家重点研发项目,中高纬度湿地景观格局演变机制,2016/07-2021/06,在研,参加;

5. 吉林省科技厅,吉林省优秀青年人才基金,长白山苔原带典型苔原植物群落退化与保护研究,2018/01-2019/12,结题,主持;

6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,长白山苔原带小叶章扩张的生物与非生物机制研究,2016/01-2018/12,结题,主持;

7. 中国博士后科学基金会,中国博士后基金特别资助项目,长白山苔原带植被变化坡向差异性机理研究,2016,结题,主持;

8. 东北师范大学,青年骨干培育基金,长白山苔原带植被坡向差异演替的驱动因子研究,2016,结题,主持。

9. 中国博士后科学基金会,中国博士后基金面上一等项目,长白山苔原带小叶章扩张的环境选择机制研究,2015,结题,主持;


1. Shengwei Zong, Jonas J. Lembrechts, Haibo Du, Hong S He*, Zhengfang Wu*, Maihe Li, Christian Rixen. Upward range shift of a dominant alpine shrub related to 50 years of snow cover change. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2022(268),112773.

2. Rixen, C., Wipf, S., Rumpf, S. B., Giejsztowt, J., Millen, J., Morgan, J. W., Nicotra, A. B., Venn, S., Zong, S., Dickinson, K. J., Freschet, G. T., Kurzböck, C., Li, J., Pan, H., Pfund, B., Quaglia, E., Su, X., Wang, W., Wang, X., Yin, H. & Deslippe, J. R. (2022). Intraspecific trait variation in alpine plants relates to their elevational distribution. Journal of Ecology, 1– 16.

3. Du, H.*, M. G. Donat*, S. Zong, L. V. Alexander, R. Manzanas, A. Kruger, G. Choi, J. et al., Extreme precipitation on consecutive days occurs more often in a warming climate. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2022, online: doi, 10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0140.1.

4. Rixen, Christian, Toke Thomas Høye, Petr Macek, Rien Aerts, Juha Alatalo, Jill Andeson, Pieter Arnold, …Shengwei Zong. "Winters are changing: snow effects on Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems." Arctic Science ja (2022). doi: 10.1139/AS-2020-0058

5. Sylvia Haider, Jonas Lembrechts, Keith McDougall, …Shengwei Zong…Tim Seipel. Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring species distributions along elevation gradients. Ecology and Evolution. 2021.

6. Decai Gao, Edith Bai, Yue Yang, Shengwei Zong, Frank Hagedorn. A global meta-analysis on freeze-thaw effects on soil carbon and phosphorus cycling, Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2021. 159, 108283.

7. Jonas J. Lembrechts, Juha Aalto, Michael B. Ashcroft, …Shengwei Zong…Ivan Nijs. SoilTemp a global database of near-surface temperature. Global Change Biology. 2020. 26(11):6616-6629.

8. Yue Yang, Zhengfang Wu, Liang Guo, …Shengwei Zong… Mai-He Li. Effects of winter chilling vs. spring forcing on the spring phenology of trees in a cold region and a warmer reference region, Science of The Total Environment, 2020. 725, 138323.

9. Risu Na, Haibo Du, Li Na, Yin Shan, …Shengwei Zong… Lirong Huang. Spatiotemporal changes in the Aeolian desertification of Hulunbuir Grassland and its driving factors in China during 1980–2015, CATENA, 2019. 182, 104123.

10. Cunguo Wang, Shengwei Zong*, Maihe Li. The contrasting responses of mycorrhizal fungal mycelium to multiple environmental factors. Forests, 2019, 10(11), 973.

11. Xinyuan Tan, Hongshi He*, Shengwei Zong*, et al. Herbaceous encroachment from mountain birch forests to alpine tundra plant communities through above- and belowground competition. Forests, 2019, 10, 170.

12. Miaomiao Wu, Hongshi He*, Shengwei Zong*, et al. Topographic controls on vegetation changes in alpine tundra of the Changbai Mountains. Forests, 2018, 9, 756.

13. Shengwei Zong, Hongshi He*, Kai Liu, et al. Typhoon diverged forest succession from natural trajectory in the treeline ecotone of the Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 407:75-83.

14. Lei Wang, Zhengfang Wu*, Hongshi He, Fuxue Wang, Haibo Du, Shengwei Zong. Changes in start, end, and length of frost-free season across Northeast China, International Journal of Climatology, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5002.

15. Lei Wang, Zhengfang Wu*, Hongshi He, Fuxue Wang, Haibo Du, Shengwei Zong. Changes in summer extreme precipitation in Northeast Asia and their relationships with the East Asian summer monsoon during 1961–2009, International Journal of Climatology, 2017, 37(1): 25-35.   

16. Shengwei Zong, Yinghua Jin, Jiawei Xu*, Zhengfang Wu, Hongshi He, Haibo Du, Lei Wang. Nitrogen deposition but not climate warming promotes Deyeuxia angustifolia encroachment in alpine tundra of the Changbai Mountains, Northeast China, Science of The Total Environment, 2016, 544: 85-93.

17. Shengwei Zong, Jiawei Xu*, Eckart Dege, Zhengfang Wu, Hongshi He. Effective seed distribution pattern of an upward shift species in alpine tundra of Changbai Mountains, Chinese Geographical Science, 2016, 26 (1): 48-58.
